operating a vehicle while intoxicated lawyer indiana

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Operating a Vehicle While Intoxicated Causing Endangerment

Most people realize that when you drive while intoxicated with a BAC over a .08 in Indiana you can be charged with Operating a Vehicle While Intoxicated as a Class C misdemeanor. Many also realize you can face a Class A misdemeanor for submitting a blood result over .15. Further still, many know that if you have priors or if the facts are particularly bad (minors involved, injuries, etc.) you can easily get into the…

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All of Indiana’s DUI Charges

A Quick Snapshot of all of Indiana’s DUI Charges Below is a quick visual of all the common DUI charges in Indiana. As you can see, Operating a Vehicle While Intoxicated charges range from anywhere between simple misdmeneanors to complex felony charges. Should you or a loved one be charged with a DUI, it is important that you have a DUI attorney that has prosecuted and/or defended thousands of DUI’s. All of the criminal attorneys…

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