Charged with Murder, Now What?

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When you are charged with Murder you need an experienced team dedicated to aggressive representation to help you. The Indianapolis Criminal Defense Attorneys at Banks & Brower have experience handling Murder cases at the trial level and will help you defend your case. Lets take a look at the crime of Murder.
To be charged with murder one of the following are likely to have occurred:
a)  You have been charged with killing another person;
b)  You have been charged as an accomplice for killing another person, or;
c)  You have been charged with someone having died during the commission of a felony, commonly called felony murder.
When you have been charged with murder the State will bring all of their resources to bare to try to prove you are guilty.  For example, in some jurisdictions a crime lab will respond to the scene.  This is much like what you see on the TV show CSI, without all the Hollywood of course.  There will be a video of the scene, numerous photos, measurements, fingerprints, DNA, collection of physical evidence and extensive interviewing of witnesses.
Additionally, in most serious cases, but always in murder cases, your case will be assigned at least one detective and in many instances multiple detectives.  The detectives will work the case tirelessly until they think they have arrested and charged the right person.  In the case of murder, the detectives are under a high degree of pressure to make sure they solve the case as quickly as possible.
A deputy coroner or field coroner will be assigned to the case.  This person is charged with collecting and preserving the body of the decedent.  In murder cases, the field coroner will be very careful to preserve evidence on the body as DNA, bruising, wound tracks, fingernail scrapings and a number of other pieces of evidence may be recovered from the decedent.
This is where the forensic pathologist comes into play.  The forensic pathologist examines the body and determines a cause and manner of death.  An example of the conclusions of a forensic pathologist would be something along the lines of cause of death: gunshot wound to the head; manner of death: homicide.  The forensic pathologist details each and every injury and piece of evidence that may be collected from the decedent.  They document this with a detailed report, diagrams and photographs.
In most instances, when a defendant is charged with Murder, the court will hold the defendant without bond.  This means that the defendant will have to remain in jail until such time as a trial, a plea, or in rare instances a dismissal occurs.
In defending a charge of murder it is vitally important that you hire the right attorney.  The attorney has a very tall task ahead of them.  The lawyer must thoroughly investigate your case to prepare it for trial.  Did the police do their investigation correct?  Does the defendant have an alibi?  Is there someone else who may have committed the murder?  If there is a statement, was it done properly and within the constitutional boundaries?  What is the evidence?  Was it collected properly?  What does it mean?  What are the other possible causes of death?  What does the forensics, crime lab results and other evidence say about the case?  A defense attorney defending a murder charge will need to take the deposition of all witnesses and evaluate their strength, weaknesses and value to the case.  The defense attorney must work closely with the client to assure all aspects of the case are thoroughly, accurately, and completely investigated to make sure that the best possible defense is presented.
The Indianapolis Criminal Defense Attorneys at Banks & Brower have the experience you need to defend your case.  Attorney Banks served as a murder prosecutor for 2 years and tried numerous murder juries.  When the stakes couldn’t be any higher, you need the experienced and trial tested Indianapolis Criminal Defense Attorneys at Banks & Brower on your side.

Banks & Brower is an Indianapolis-based firm specializing in personal injury, family law, and criminal defense. With over 60 years of combined legal experience, we bring valuable knowledge and insights to every case.Our clients face challenges such as traumatic injuries, major felony charges, DUIs, and custody battles. We listen carefully to every client and craft personalized strategies to achieve the best possible outcomes. Banks & Brower is the law firm Indianapolis residents trust in times of need.
