August 2024

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Dealing Marijuana in Indiana

More and more states are legalizing the purchasing and selling of marijuana.  All across the country retail stores have popped up creating a huge legal industry selling pot in all types of strains and forms.  However, in Indiana dealing and possession of marijuana remain illegal. In today’s blog we look at the crime of Dealing in Marijuana in Indiana.  Indiana Code that addresses with Dealing in Marijuana is I.C. 35-48-4-10.  Indiana first defines what dealing…

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How does a police officer in Indiana get a search warrant?

Many people are familiar with the term search warrant, but fewer know what it takes for a police officer to get one or how one is obtained.  This blog will take a look at the process of and requirements for obtaining a search warrant, as this often-used tool to gather evidence can be very important in a criminal case – both for the police, and for a defendant and his or her attorney.  Indiana statute…

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What Constitutes the Different Types of Battery?

In general, battery is when you touch another person in a rude, insolent, or angry matter. Even the most minimal touching of another person can be a battery depending on the context. The most basic example of battery could be if you are waiting in line for something, and someone cuts you, so you push them out of the line. Even if that’s all that happens, you could be charged with battery. This is a…

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