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What’s new in the Indiana Rules of Criminal Procedure?

Effective January 1, 2024, Indiana’s Rules of Criminal Procedure underwent a significant overhaul. The Indiana Supreme Court approved the new Rules of Criminal Procedure after a yearslong process of study, proposed rules, commentary, and deliberation by stakeholders in the criminal justice system. The new rules should be of great benefit to both criminal defendants and their attorneys, as they largely standardize practice in courts across the State of Indiana. In updating the Rules of Criminal…

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What is “Chain of Custody” and why is it Important?

Chain of Custody is a legal term of art that occasionally becomes an issue when dealing with the admissibility of evidence at trial.  Chain of custody is defined as the chronological documentation or paper trail that records the sequence of custody, control, transfer, analysis, and disposition of evidence.  In order to admit fungible evidence, there typically must be evidence as to the item’s chain of custody to ensure the item is what it purports to…

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