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What is Letters in Support of Sentencing?

Whether you or a loved one is facing a criminal offense, everyone knows that hiring a criminal attorney with experience matters most. Not only do they know the ins and outs of courtroom, but they often times know the little details that matter most when it comes to both orchestrating your defense, and if necessary, strategizing your acceptance of responsibility when a defense isn’t enough to win at trial. Some may think that once you…

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An Overview of Surrogacy in Indiana

Over the past decade, technological advancements have allowed parents to conceive children through techniques such as artificial insemination or surrogacy. In order to clarify, when we state the term “Surrogate” we mean a woman who agrees to biologically carry a child for another. In recent years, there have been some notorious cases in the United States that evidence that these advancements have taken place at a quicker pace than the adaptation of the Law to…

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Student Searches in Schools: What Are My Child’s Rights?

Student Searches in Schools: What Are My Child’s Rights?

As a parent, you probably spend much of your time concerned over whether your child can avoid trouble and make the right decisions to propel themselves to a bright future. No matter how great of a parent you may be, sometimes kids are going to be kids and screw up sometimes. This blog will take an in-depth look into student rights when it comes to criminal investigations and police searches of persons and property at…

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Updates to Specialized Driving Privileges 2019

Updates to Specialized Driving Privileges 2019

Posted in On September 30, 2018

What are Specialized Driving Privileges or “SDP”? Starting the first of the year in 2019, individuals facing Operating a Vehicle While Intoxicated (“OWI”) charges have new hope in their efforts to avoid an immediate license suspension.  Indiana Code (“IC”) 9-30-16-1 will be amended to allow an individual to actually stay (or delay) the suspension.   In order to do this you still need to be eligible for Specialized Driving Privileges (“SDP”).  Generally, you are ineligible for…

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What is a Pre-Sentence Investigation and What is on It?

What is a Pre-Sentence Investigation and What is on It?

As part of any felony-based conviction (sometimes on misdemeanors with open terms and by judge’s request), a judge will typically order a pre-sentence investigation or “PSI.” A PSI came out of what is commonly referred to as Evidence Based Practices — a movement where judges wanted to make informed, evidence-based decisions when determining appropriate sentences for defendants. The practice of conducting PSI’s has long been a typical step in federal guilty pleas and sentences, and…

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What is Our Family Wizard in Indiana

What is Our Family Wizard in Indiana

Communication is important in life and it is extremely important in a family, especially between parents communicating about their children. As is the case with a lot of things, some families are able to communicate more effectively than others, even without the strain of legal proceedings and Court orders hanging over their heads, so it makes sense that families that have gone through divorce or are going through divorce may have communication issues. What is…

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What is Going to Happen to My License After a DUI Arrest?

What is Going to Happen to My License After a DUI Arrest?

Posted in On September 10, 2018

When someone is arrested for drunk driving one of the first things they ask is what is going to happen to my driver’s license.  It’s a valid concern.  In Indiana there is very little public transportation and taking Uber everyday will get quite expensive. Were arrested for drinking and driving? The first question to be answered is did you willingly submit to a breath test or a blood test.  If yes and you tested over…

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How to Get Your Driver’s License Reinstated in Indiana

How to Get Your Driver’s License Reinstated in Indiana

One of the most frequent calls we get are from individuals with suspended licenses who are ready to get their license back to valid but have no idea where to begin. Whether you have a record that has been suspended for 20+ years or have a single traffic ticket, it can be confusing to navigate the Indiana BMV’s record to try to determine what needs to happen to get you back to valid. This article…

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