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Grandparent Child Visitation Rights in Indiana

Posted in On March 11, 2013

So you are a grandparent, you love your grandchildren, and you cherish the time you spend with them.  Then, suddenly your grandchildren’s parents divorce or even worse, pass away.  What happens?  Do you still get to see your grandchildren?  When life’s circumstances change your role as a grandparent, you hope everyone deals with  things with a level head and you get to stay  a significant participant in your grandchild’s life.  But what if one of…

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Understanding Indiana Driver’s License Point System

Understanding Indiana Driver’s License Point System

Posted in On March 1, 2013

What to do When Facing Points or Suspensions on Your License: Almost every single person that has driven a motor vehicle has been pulled over at some point by a police officer — whether wrongfully or rightfully, it happens, unfortunately. Nevertheless, what most people don’t realize is that for every moving violation you are convicted of, you accumulate points on your driver’s record. And those records are meticulously maintained by the Indiana Bureau of Motor…

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Posting Bonds in Criminal Cases

How the Bonding Process Works in Criminal Cases: Almost everyone alive has heard of the words “bond” or “bail” as used in the criminal law setting. Many of us have heard about them while watching our favorite Western or Criminal Law show on TV — but did you know there are multiple types of bonds that can be ordered by a judge? Did you know that the level of bond can change from crime to…

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Child Custody What the Court Considers

Indiana law has a very broad standard when it comes to deciding child custody.  In a nutshell, when custody of a child is at issue the court is to do “what is in the best interest of the child.”  So what does that mean? The law starts out by making it clear that there is not a presumption in favor of either parent.  In other words, mom or dad has an equal right to the…

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Alternative Misdemeanor Sentencing

Alleviating the Sting of a Felony Conviction Everyone knows that being convicted of a felony is one of the most difficult things a person can deal with in their life. Besides the fact that you can face hefty jail sentences, fines, and court ordered restrictions, there are other consequential impacts that many never think about — and most of the time they begin after you complete your sentence or court ordered requirements. After all, the…

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Divorce FAQ's

  Q:  How long must I live in Indiana in order to file for divorce? A:  In order to file for divorce, one of the parties must have resided in Indiana for at least 6 months.  Additionally, you must have resided in the County you choose to file in for at least 3 months.   Q:  How are the parties identified in a divorce proceeding? A:  Petitioner and Respondent.  The Petitioner is the party who…

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How "Major" & "Serious" Infractions Can Impact Your Livelihood

How Your Recent Traffic Ticket Can Cost You Your License, or Worse, Your Job: As a professional driver with a Commercial Driver’s License (CDL), you spend the majority of your day, your work week, heck the majority of your life on the road. You drive thousands of miles, past thousands of beautiful sights in different states, and past thousands of drivers each day. With every passing moment, you work hard to be mindful not to…

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Arrested A Look at the Possible Penalites

Once someone has been arrested they normally have a period of time where they experience shock and disbelief.  This reaction quickly turns into an emotion of fearing the possible penalties for the allegations that have been made.  In this blog we will run through the potential penalties for the various levels of crime. First we will take a look at the potential penalties for misdemeanors.  One major distinction between misdemeanors and felonies is that any…

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