December 2017

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Indiana Probation Conditions and Violations

The most common result of being convicted of a crime is receiving a suspended sentence and being required to serve a period of probation.  While on probation there are numerous things the court may require a person to do.  In some circumstances, there are requirements that must be ordered but, in general, in addition to fees, the following is a list of things the court MAY order. Possible Court Orders That the person: (1) Work…

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Common Holiday Arrests in Indiana

The holiday season is always a stressful time for most individuals. Between trying to stretch your finances to get the greatest toy of the year for your kids, consuming too much alcohol trying to get by hanging around your uncle who is trying to push his political agenda, or simply being depressed by not having anyone to celebrate the season with, there are many contributing factors and stressors that cause good people to consider committing…

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All of Indiana’s DUI Charges

A Quick Snapshot of all of Indiana’s DUI Charges Below is a quick visual of all the common DUI charges in Indiana. As you can see, Operating a Vehicle While Intoxicated charges range from anywhere between simple misdmeneanors to complex felony charges. Should you or a loved one be charged with a DUI, it is important that you have a DUI attorney that has prosecuted and/or defended thousands of DUI’s. All of the criminal attorneys…

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Typical Path of Criminal Case Indiana

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