November 2018

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Can a Pet Be Named as Your Estate Beneficiary?

We have all heard the old tale of the elderly rich person that decides to leave his/her fortune to their pet instead of their children inevitably resulting in the largest twist of some terrible movie or television. Well, if you have seen that you may have wondered to yourself if those pets could actually have inherited the money left to them by the will, so does Fido get to become the richest pooch on the…

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Impact of other States Legalizing Recreational Marijuana in Indiana

Impact of other States Legalizing Recreational Marijuana in Indiana

On Tuesday November 8, 2018, Voters in the State of Michigan approved the legalization of recreational marijuana.  While the sales side of things will take some time for the State of Michigan to get set up, there are a number of potential collateral criminal issues that Hoosiers need to be aware of should you decide to take advantage of the legalization during a trip to Michigan or any other similar state. Marijuana is illegal in…

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Are Juvenile Records Automatically Sealed?

Are Juvenile Records Automatically Sealed?

Posted in On November 8, 2018

It is a common misconception that juvenile records disappear, whether sealed or automatically expunged, when an individual turns 18. Unfortunately, that is not the case in a wide variety of scenarios. This article will look into what records are available, who can obtain those records, how juvenile delinquency records can affect someone, and what you can do to try and make sure those records are sealed so you or your child will not face the…

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