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Victims of Domestic Violence & Divorce

Posted in On May 31, 2015

For victims of domestic or family violence, a divorce is typically needed in order to leave the abusive relationship.  There are criminal laws, civil protection laws, and family and domestic laws in Indiana to protect victims of domestic violence, including spouses and children.  When there is a pending protective order and divorce case between the same 2 parties, Indiana law consolidates both cases into one as domestic violence and protective orders will likely have a…

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The Most Common Arrests at the Indy 500

Posted in On May 25, 2015

Indianapolis Criminal Defense Attorney Blog:  Top Ten Things That Will Get You Arrested at the Indy 500 Every race season, there are a number of arrests that come out of the Indy 500. In this blog the Indianapolis Criminal Defense Attorneys at Banks & Brower take a closer look. Minor Consumption of Alcohol:  The Speedway is a tradition.  For many that tradition begins when they are a kid.  One of the largest traditions of the…

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A Look at the Driver License Compact

Posted in On May 18, 2015

The Interstate Licensing Compact:  What is it and how does it affect you?  –  If you’ve ever received a driving ticket in another state, you may have wondered what happens next.  Does that ticket go onto your driving record back home?  Will that ticket put points on your driving record?  Most likely yes to all of the above.  This is all thanks to what is known as the Driver License Compact. The Driver License Compact…

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A Look at Double Jeopardy in Criminal Cases in Indiana

Posted in On May 10, 2015

Double Jeopardy and You Criminal Case  – Why don’t my charges amount to double jeopardy?  Why can I be put on trial again after a mistrial is declared?  These are just two examples of the types of questions clients sometimes pose with respect to their pending criminal cases.  Many people are familiar with the phrase double jeopardy, but not necessarily as familiar with when double jeopardy may or may not come into play. In this…

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Indiana's Implied Consent Law and Refusal License Suspensions

Posted in On May 1, 2015

Indiana Implied Consent and Refusal Suspension In Indiana, most people know that if you get pulled over while driving impaired, you run the risk of high fines, criminal prosecution, jail time, and license suspensions. And, because of those concerns, many choose not to risk it. However, as is evident from the thousands of DUI arrests throughout the state of Indiana and around the country, many choose otherwise. Yet, what many don’t know is that there…

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Common Mistakes Divorced and Divorcing Parents Make

Posted in On April 26, 2015

Mistakes to Avoid for Divorced Parents The divorce process is obviously very difficult emotionally for the parties involved; however, what divorced or divorcing parents must keep in mind is that a divorce can be even more difficult for their children.  You and your ex-spouse need to put your differences aside to help promote the welfare of your children as their interests are of paramount importance.  The following are a few mistakes that many divorced parents…

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I Have a Warrant Out For My Arrest In Indiana, Now What Do I Do?

Indianapolis Criminal Defense Attorney Blog:  I Have an Arrest Warrant in Indiana What Do I Do?             If you are facing the prospect of an arrest warrant issued for you or you already know that you have an arrest warrant issued for you in Indiana, it can be a very scary and stressful situation.  We have all seen movies or TV shows where the police officers come breaking down doors to go after someone for…

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Indiana Name Changes and the Process to do so

Posted in On April 12, 2015

Indiana Name Change:  A Quick Look at the Process to Legally Change your Name  – Thinking about changing your name?  There are a couple of ways to change your name in the State of Indiana.  First, is through marriage and second, is through petitioning the court.  Changing your name through marriage is the easiest way, as it only requires an application through the Social Security Administration , proof of U.S. citizenship, proof of identity, and…

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