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Things to Consider When Settling Your Divorce in Indiana

Posted in On June 15, 2014

BEFORE YOU SIGN THOSE DIVORCE PAPERS…CONSIDER THIS… When every single divorce client comes through our door, one of the first questions they always ask — well, after the emotions explode and then slowly simmer — is, “What do we need to think about when settling my divorce?” And, though factual considerations vary from client to client, we have a set checklist we always go over with most clients. This blog will attempt to lightly touch on…

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A Look at Indiana's Sex Offender Probation

One of the most frequent types of cases that end up going to trial are sex crimes.  Many times these cases go to trial because they carry significant penalties that don’t come with most other offenses.  A sex offender in Indiana will many times be placed on “sex offender” probation.  This blog looks at the requirements of the Indiana sex offender probation. -The requirement to register.  One of the conditions of the probation is, if…

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Understanding How Child Support Works Across State Lines

Posted in On June 1, 2014

Enforcing Interstate Child Support and Obtaining Jurisdiction  – Enforcing child support can be difficult and complicated.  Throw an out-of-state order in the mix and it can get even muddier.  In 2011 alone, there was roughly 37.9 billion dollars of child support owed to custodial parents in the United States.  Only 62.3% of that amount owed was actually paid, which leaves about 14.3 billion dollars of unpaid child support.  That’s a ton of money!  Now these…

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A Look at Charges Arising out of the Indy 500

Indy 500/Memorial Day Blog   “Gentlemen, start your engines!”  Those four iconic words signal the beginning of the Indianapolis 500, the main event of an entire month built around The Greatest Spectacle in Racing.  Events like concerts, party tents, and other gatherings, including the famed “Snake Pit” – sometimes known as The Greatest Spectacle in Partying – are the main attractions for some visitors.  But unfortunately for many, the revelry ends with four less exciting…

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The Top 5 Misconceptions on Criminal Warrants

Posted in On May 18, 2014

One of the most common phone calls we get in our criminal defense office is from random defendants asking questions about an open warrant for their arrest. Obviously, and understandably, they are scared and want to know all the options. Typically what they think they know and what they learn after talking to us couldn’t be farther apart. Thus, having received hundreds, if not thousands, of calls from defendants on their outstanding criminal warrants, we’ve…

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So What is That Eye Test the Police Do During a DUI Arrest?

Posted in On May 11, 2014

You have seen it a number of times on TV, or if you’re real unlucky, maybe you have even seen it in person.  They are the Standardized Field Sobriety Tests.  They consist of the “eye test,” the walk and turn and the one leg stand.  The “eye test” is actually the Horizontal Gaze Nystagmus (HGN) test. Sounds like a funny name for a test that just sees if you can follow the tip of a…

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Arrested at Little 5…Now What?

Posted in On May 4, 2014

Arrested at Little Five in Bloomington? Now What? Though many parents would like to deny it, almost every single college kid is either drinking underage at some point, or partaking in some type of lawless behavior — just usually in the privacy of their own apartments, dorms, or friends’ houses. Yet, without fail, that delinquent behavior seems to leak its way into the public streets whenever a large college event is occurring. Be it an…

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Top 10 Questions From Someone that is Arrested

When we meet with clients after they have been arrested, they tend to be scared, nervous, uncertain and concerned about the future.  In this weeks blog we look at 10 of the most common questions we receive from those that are arrested. Q1.  Am I going to have to serve time in jail if I’m convicted? A:  It depends.  If your crime is a D felony or misdemeanor and you have never been in any…

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