Criminal Law

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A Summary of the Proposed Changes to the Indiana Criminal Code

We have read a lot of news articles discussing the significant overhaul to the Indiana Criminal Code.  In this blog we will summarize the proposed changes.  If passed this will represent the first major changes to the criminal code in more than 30 years.  Historically, changes have been made piecemeal, making for a very confusing and discombobulated code. Sentencing Categories  First is the categories of Crimes.  Currently we have Murder and 4 felony levels (D-A).  The…

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Understanding Criminal Statutes of Limitations

Am I In the Clear? Statute of Limitations on Criminal Offenses – We’ve all seen scenes out of Hollywood of actors running from police in fear of being arrested for bad behavior — and they are willing to risk it all for freedom. Putting aside the exaggerated plots you see in theaters, many people find themselves looking over their shoulders, metaphorically, in fear that criminal charges may be coming their way. That person may even…

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Posting Bonds in Criminal Cases

How the Bonding Process Works in Criminal Cases: Almost everyone alive has heard of the words “bond” or “bail” as used in the criminal law setting. Many of us have heard about them while watching our favorite Western or Criminal Law show on TV — but did you know there are multiple types of bonds that can be ordered by a judge? Did you know that the level of bond can change from crime to…

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Alternative Misdemeanor Sentencing

Alleviating the Sting of a Felony Conviction Everyone knows that being convicted of a felony is one of the most difficult things a person can deal with in their life. Besides the fact that you can face hefty jail sentences, fines, and court ordered restrictions, there are other consequential impacts that many never think about — and most of the time they begin after you complete your sentence or court ordered requirements. After all, the…

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Arrested A Look at the Possible Penalites

Once someone has been arrested they normally have a period of time where they experience shock and disbelief.  This reaction quickly turns into an emotion of fearing the possible penalties for the allegations that have been made.  In this blog we will run through the potential penalties for the various levels of crime. First we will take a look at the potential penalties for misdemeanors.  One major distinction between misdemeanors and felonies is that any…

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