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Illegal Search and Seizure

The Two Most Common Reasons Evidence Get Suppressed It is very common that clients come into our office thinking that the police did something wrong and that we should be able to get them out of trouble.  It is one of the most important parts of our job.  We must review every case carefully to see if the law enforcement did something improper that could give cause for a motion to suppress that could possibly…

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Indianapolis Divorce Attorney Blog: What Makes Up a Marital Pot?

The Marital Pot: Division of Marital Assets and Debts You owned a house before getting married, your husband’s name is the only name on both of your vehicles and your grandma passed away a few years ago leaving you an inheritance – what does all of this mean when you divorce? These are all common scenarios that divorce attorneys navigate every day. In short, Indiana lumps all of your property together into one “marital pot”….

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Habitual Traffic Violator for Life in Indiana

Suspended for life? It’s possible to get your life back. Can you imagine never driving again for the rest of your life? This devastating thought is a reality for many who have been told by a judge and/or the BMV that their driving privileges have been suspended for life. Fortunately, relief exists. Indiana Code 9-30-10-14.1 sets forth the ability to rescind a lifetime suspension of driving privileges. However, this privilege does not apply to anyone…

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Indianapolis Sex Crimes Attorney Blog: A Look at the Romeo and Juliet Law in Indiana

‘That which we call a rose, by any other name would smell as sweet’ (Juliet, Act 2 Scene 1) In almost every single sex-based crime that is charged in Indiana, the stakes couldn’t be much higher. Whether someone is facing high fines, a lengthy prison sentence, a long-term sex registration, and/or the public stigma of a sex-based conviction, it is no wonder we receive so many calls on these types of cases. Many times peoples’…

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Indianapolis Power of Attorney Blog: A Look at Utilizing a Power of Attorney in Indiana

A Look at Power of Attorneys and How They Work in Indiana Although it is not an enjoyable topic of conversation, it is important to discuss your preferences for financial and medical care in the event of incapacitation.   While most think this conversation is limited to decisions in a person’s final days, incapacitation can occur at any time for numerous reasons. In Indiana, you can give someone a Durable Power of Attorney over you.   That…

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Fast and speedy trial request

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Indianapolis Criminal Defense Attorney Blog: Single Larceny Rule and Double Jeopardy

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