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A Look at the Crimes of Public Indecency

A Look at Public Indecency Laws in Indiana Clothing and fashion don’t serve only to impress and to keep us warm – they also keep us from being charged with crimes in Indiana for showing others what they probably don’t want to see.  Few of us will be surprised that Indiana prohibits the display of certain body parts in public, and even on private property but with the intent to be seen by the public. …

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In Town Lawyer vs. Out of Town Attorney

Hiring an In-Town Lawyer vs. an Out of Town Attorney To hire an in town attorney, or out of town attorney? That is the question. I think Shakespeare asked that in Hamlet….or, something like that. All joking aside, we at Banks & Brower, LLC, are constantly asked this question when people call in looking for advice on who to hire. “Should I hire an out of county attorney, or should I hire an attorney on…

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Often Overlooked Tax and Financial Issues in Your Divorce

Tax and Financial Planning Considerations Often Overlooked in Divorces in Indiana   There are numerous assets and debts involved in a divorce case that are easy to identify, such as real estate, bank and retirement accounts, credit cards, automobiles and household goods and furnishings; however, there are several other potential assets and liabilities that are often overlooked by clients and attorneys as they relate to benefits or liabilities that may result for income tax purposes. …

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Veteran's Court, an Alternative for a Veteran who is Charged with a Criminal Offense

Indianapolis Criminal Defense Attorney Blog:  Veteran’s Court             Slowly but surely, counties across the State of Indiana are starting to see the benefit to having courts that focus on the root problem of criminal behavior, and attempt to get the offender help and/or treatment.  Many counties have already started mental health courts or drug treatment courts.  Those courts have worked to identify defendants with lower level criminal conduct and place them in the appropriate court…

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A Look at Indiana’s Sentencing Enhancements

Sentencing Enhancements in Indiana Criminal Cases Most people are aware that any given criminal offense carries with it a range of possible penalties, including jail or prison time.  For example, a Level 3 felony conviction carries the possibility of 3 to 16 years in prison.  What may come as a surprise, especially to one charged with a serious felony offense, is that the prosecutor can file a sentencing enhancement which can significantly increase the amount…

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A Look at Same Sex Marriage and Divorce

A Look at How Legalizing Same-Sex Marriage has Resulted in Additional Benefits and Protections  – 2015 is a historic year for same-sex couples.  The U.S. Supreme Court made its final decision on June 26, 2015, in the landmark case titled Obergefell v. Hodges.  This case involved 2 main issues: whether the U.S. Constitution requires a state to issue a marriage license to 2 people of the same sex and whether a state is required to…

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Understanding College Disciplinary Hearings and Actions in Indiana

Threatened With a University Disciplinary Hearing or Action as a College Student? If you have ever been to college or visited one for more than an hour’s time, you will undoubtedly see some type of illicit behavior (albeit minor most of the times), but sometimes that behavior is criminal or against the college’s rules or policies in place for students. From fights at bars to drinking underage in a dorm room, all too often college…

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Winning a Criminal Jury Trial

It is the foundation of the American criminal justice system.  The jury trial.  You have been accused of a crime and believe you are innocent, it is the ultimate determiner of the facts.  No one can guarantee an outcome in a jury.  If they could, they would be the only attorney ever hired.  However, there are a number of different parts of being ready for a jury that help position a case for its highest…

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