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A Look at Indiana’s Small Claims Process

We’ve all seen it on TV, two parties yelling at each other before a judge like Judge Judy, Judge Joe Brown, or Judge Mathis. And, inevitably, the judge yells back, makes both parties feel stupid, and then arbitrarily picks a side to believe. Then, most enjoyably, there is a post-proceeding interview with an awkward engagement between the parties….priceless. Though the small claims process is glorified for TV ratings in those shows, the formalities aren’t much…

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A Look at the Most Commonly Charged White Collar Crimes In Indiana

The term “white collar crime” is just what it suggests. It’s a phrase used to describe criminal acts that are done in and around a corporate/government setting by those directly or indirectly involved in the operation of that business and/or government agency (more often than not). Typically, we hear the term “white collar crime” when used in association with non-hourly jobs or non-manual labor related jobs, but the truth is, if the crime revolves around…

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The Top 10 Misconceptions of the Indiana Criminal Justice System

Its New Years time, so its mandatory to do some sort of top 10 list right?  For this weeks blog we will look at some of the Misconceptions about the criminal justice system.  This is our top ten, certainly open to interpretation and additions. The Criminal Justice System ALWAYS gets it right No system is perfect.  Perfection is a great goal to strive for, especially when we talk about taking away someone’s freedom, but it…

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A Look at Indiana’s Most Commonly Charged Gun Crimes

Typical Handgun Offenses and Crimes in Indiana Most people who carry a handgun, both legally and illegally for that matter, seldom realize the number of laws specifically written to address the use, operation, and possession of them. In fact, many who own a firearm think that so long as they have a permit, they can take that gun anywhere they want — the reality, however, is much different. This blog will address the most commonly…

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A Look at Crimes Involving Residences or Property

Crimes involving property are very common charges in Indiana. The Indianapolis Criminal Defense Attorneys at Banks & Brower are well equipped to help you fight these charges. Fist lets take a look at the types of charges. We are all familiar with the home burglary, which we will look at, but there are a number of other crimes that effect or involve someone’s home.  For purposes of this blog we will use Johnny as a our…

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Understanding Indiana's Post-Conviction Relief ("PCR") Remedy

A Blog on Indiana’s Post-Conviction Relief Statute – Many times throughout the week our firm is inundated with calls requesting help for themselves or a loved one who has just received a conviction and sentence for a criminal offense. Often times, people call in desperation, hoping that we might be able to find something that was done improperly by the State of Indiana or the judge presiding over the case. Often times, the paramount question…

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A Look at the Serious Violent Felon

CHARGED WITH A CRIME CLICK HERE TO CONTACT US NOW!   This weeks blog looks at Indiana’s Serious Violent Felon Law. The Indianapolis Criminal Defense Attorneys at Banks & Brower know this charge has serious implications.  The serious violent felon statute was created with the idea of making it a very serious matter if someone that is convicted of a serious violent felony later possess a firearm.  The idea being, keep guns out of the…

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Explaining Indiana's Habitual Offender Enhancement and Habitual Substance Offender Enhancement

Understanding the Habitual Offender Sentence Enhancements – Being charged with a crime, on its own, is one of the scariest things a person can face. Regardless of the facts, regardless of the level of crime alleged, it can be a daunting situation for anyone — even for the smallest of crimes. Yet, not much is more terrifying for a defendant than when the State files a sentence enhancement on their case. After all, an enhancement…

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