June 2013

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Petitioning for a Hardship License(Specialized Driving Privileges)

Indiana Traffic Attorney Blog: Filing for a Hardship License under I.C. 9-24-15 – Do you find yourself facing a suspension of your license for a significant period of time? Are you worried about how that suspension may place a significant hardship on your ability to make a living and function day to day? Don’t worry, you aren’t alone. And, unfortunately, you are among a large (and ever growing class) of individuals facing a lengthy suspension…

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Attorney Search Factors to Consider

So the worst has happened.  The police have arrested you.  You are confused, scared, and shocked.  You don’t believe you have done anything wrong, but the police have built a case against you and now you are facing possible prison time.  Your very freedom is at stake.  When you are facing such a dilemma, you need a lawyer that is on your side.  But, how do you know who to hire?  What kind of things…

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Defending Your Habitual Traffic Violator Case or other Traffic Related Offense

Labeled a Habitual Traffic Violator? Now What? – When you hear the term Habitual Traffic Violator, you almost cringe. It sounds terrible and it invokes images of a horribly reckless driver with a driving record as long as the Dead Sea Scrolls. What most people don’t realize is that it doesn’t take much to earn the moniker “habitual” traffic offender.  In fact, many people become labeled as “habitual” and didn’t even know they qualified. This…

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A Look at Division of Assets

When someone comes in to our office for a consultation about a divorce, one of the most frequent questions/concerns is how will our assets be split up.  Clients tend to focus on who the asset is titled to and/or who paid for or purchased the asset.  The law looks at assets differently.  Indiana Code gives the Court broad discretion on splitting up assets. Indiana Code reads: (a) In an action for dissolution of marriage under IC 31-15-2-2, the court…

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