January 2015

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Possession and Dealing in Methamphetamine

Possession and Dealing in Methamphetamine No matter how you have become familiar with the term “meth,” it’s hard to argue against the growing exposure of our culture to it. For anyone that has gone to the drug store to purchase Sudafed, an over the counter cold medicine often used to make meth, often times you are met with stringent purchasing requirements and often times strict scrutiny by the pharmacist. Why? Because methamphetamine use and abuse…

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Possession and Dealing of Heroin

A Look at Possession and Dealing in Heroin   In this blog the Indianapolis Criminal Defense Attorneys at Banks & Brower take a look at possession and dealing in heroin. Before we take a look at the crimes of possession and dealing in heroin we will look at a little background information on the drug itself.  According to the National Institute on Drug abuse, “Heroin is an opioid drug that is synthesized from morphine, a…

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A Look at How Complaints are Filed Against Your Professional License

You’ve Received a Complaint against your Professional License:  Now what?   Are you a licensed professional?  Have you ever received a letter from the Office of the Indiana Attorney General regarding a professional complaint?  If you have, I’m sure you are desperately searching the internet for answers. We are glad you landed here. Regardless of the field, if your chosen profession requires licensure then you’re subject to certain statutory standards of care that you must…

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