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How does a police officer in Indiana get a search warrant?

Many people are familiar with the term search warrant, but fewer know what it takes for a police officer to get one or how one is obtained.  This blog will take a look at the process of and requirements for obtaining a search warrant, as this often-used tool to gather evidence can be very important in a criminal case – both for the police, and for a defendant and his or her attorney.  Indiana statute…

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What Constitutes the Different Types of Battery?

In general, battery is when you touch another person in a rude, insolent, or angry matter. Even the most minimal touching of another person can be a battery depending on the context. The most basic example of battery could be if you are waiting in line for something, and someone cuts you, so you push them out of the line. Even if that’s all that happens, you could be charged with battery. This is a…

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Division of Retirement Assets in Divorce

Posted in On July 31, 2024

In understanding the various steps of a divorce, you may be wondering what marital assets will be subject to division under Indiana divorce laws. Marital assets include a variety of property acquired by spouses before the date the dissolution matter is filed. Among other assets, retirement accounts such as 401(k)s, Individual Retirement Accounts (“IRAs”), and pensions may be subject to division in divorce proceedings. How are Retirement Assets Divided in Divorce? In Indiana, if the…

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Should I Pay My Loved One’s Bond or Hire a Lawyer First?

Which came first, the chicken or the egg? The age-old question to life. A close second has to be, “Should I pay the bond or hire a lawyer first?” 😊Honestly, it’s a question we get quite often at our office. At first blush, your first reaction might be to say bond should be paid first, obviously. After all, getting a loved one out of jail quickly is a priority, right? Not necessarily. Below is a…

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Do I Have to Go to Court for My Personal Injury Case?

When you’re dealing with the aftermath of a personal injury, the thought of going to court can add to the stress. Understanding whether you need to appear in court for your personal injury case can help ease some of that anxiety.  Here, we’ll explore the circumstances that might lead you to court and what alternatives you might have. Settlements: The Common Outcome The vast majority of personal injury cases are resolved through settlements rather than…

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What Type of Jurors Will Decide My Case in a Jury Trial?

Posted in On July 9, 2024

The Federal and Indiana Constitutions guarantee the right to an impartial jury for anyone accused of committing a crime.  The right to have an impartial jury, consisting of individuals within the community to decide guilt or innocence in a criminal trial, is one of the most sacred rights in the United States.  This blog will shed light on who is eligible to serve on a jury, and how a jury is ultimately selected to hear…

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What is a Criminal No Contact Order?

If you are charged with a crime there are a number of things that the Court can issue in terms of order at your initial hearing.  One of the things that a court can issue is something called a no contact order.  What is a no contact order? A no contact order is a court order that requires a defendant to have no contact with a specific person or place.  These are mostly used in…

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I’ve been falsely accused of a crime – what do I do?

For most people, being accused of and charged with a crime is one of the most scary, stressful things that can happen.  But what if you’re accused of a crime, and perhaps even charged with one, and you are totally innocent?  Sadly, this happens.  The criminal justice system is founded upon the belief that witnesses will truthfully report what occurred.  When a witness testifies in court, he or she is placed under oath by a…

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