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Your Right to Confront Your Accuser in a Criminal Case

Understanding Your Right to Face Your Accuser and to Confront Witnesses in Your Case You probably know that if you’re charged with a crime, you have many important rights such as the right to remain silent and the right to trial. You may be aware that you have the right to confront witnesses against you as well, but many people misunderstand that right and don’t know that this right isn’t always what it seems. The…

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The 5 Most Common Arrests on New Years

A New Years Resolution You Didn’t Expect It never fails…the first day of the New Year is always a busy day for our phones at the Indianapolis Criminal Defense Attorneys of Banks & Brower, LLC. While many people are setting their sights on healthy New Year’s Goals like losing weight, being patient, drinking less often, being kinder…blah blah blah, inevitably, many others are testing their vices…drinking to access, partying to access, and engaging in behavior they…

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Is My Business a Marital Asset in a Divorce?

Is My Business in Jeopardy if I get a Divorce? If you own a business and are thinking about going through a divorce, you might be asking yourself, is your business considered an asset that can be divided by the court?  In short, the simple answer is that it depends.  In determining whether your business is an asset, or to the extent which it’s considered an asset, the court will look at the business’s “goodwill.” …

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding DUI Arrests

INDIANAPOLIS CRIMINAL DEFENSE ATTORNEY BLOG:  FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS ABOUT DUI/DRUNK DRIVING ARRESTS IN INDIANA INDIANAPOLIS CRIMINAL DEFENSE ATTORNEYS AT BANKS & BROWER LOOK AT FAQ’S FOR DRUNK DRIVING ARRESTS Are sobriety check points legal?  Yes, several times throughout Indiana law enforcement officers setup sobriety check points.  As long as they are properly advertised and delineated with signage, they have been found to be legal. Can’t I just turn on a different road and avoid the…

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A Look at Indiana's Insurance Requirements for You and Your Automobile

Indiana’s Insurance Requirements For Drivers and the Possible Consequences of a Lapse We receive multiple calls a week from people dealing with issues related to automobile insurance. Generally the problem is an insurance suspension because of a failure to provide proof of insurance after a traffic stop or collision. Despite this being a common situation, many people are unfamiliar with exactly what is required with respect to their insurance or what types of situations will require…

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Expungements and How They Effect Gun Rights in Indiana

Expungements and Their Effect on Applying for a Concealed Carry Permit in Indiana In preparation for filing for a concealed carry permit, there are many areas that people need to make sure to button up prior to filing, like converting felonies to misdemeanors, petition for restoration of gun rights when there is a court order precluding it, expungements, gathering certified convictions, etc. This blog is going to focus on one of these areas, and more…

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A Look at Modifying Spousal Maintenance in Indiana

Is Spousal Maintenance Modifiable, and if so, How is that Accomplished On March 8, 2015, we wrote a blog titled, “A Look at Spousal Maintenance in Indiana,” whereby we explained the different circumstances in which a party to a divorce can be ordered to pay spousal maintenance.  In Indiana, the circumstances for such an award are very limited.  As a quick refresher, the following are the only circumstances under Indiana law where spousal maintenance can…

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Using Discovery and Investigation to Defend a Criminal Case

Using Discovery and Investigation to Defend the Criminal Case You have been charged with a crime and are considering whether to hire an attorney.  One of the things you are probably interested in is what kind of things an attorney can do to help you in defending your case.  This blog by the Indianapolis Criminal Defense Attorneys at Banks & Brower takes a look at some of the discovery methods and investigation ideas that an…

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