May 2018

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Indiana Implied Consent and Language Barrier Issues

Language Barrier Issues & the Indiana Implied Consent Law – I am a police officer.  I have probable cause to believe that you have operated a vehicle while intoxicated.  I must now offer you the opportunity to submit to a chemical test and inform you that your refusal to submit to a chemical test will result in the suspension of your driving privileges for one year.  If you have at least one previous conviction for…

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Arrested at the Indianapolis 500?

Arrested at the Indianapolis 500? Now What? The Indianapolis 500, or what is often billed as The Greatest Spectacle in Racing, is typically set on the Sunday of Memorial Day weekend each year. Between the permanent seating around the track and the infield areas, there are about 300,000 people that flood the gates of the speedway each year. With that many people together in a confined area, on a holiday weekend, and probably fueled by…

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Sentencing Ranges, Fines, & Credit Time Calculators

Quick Reference Guide: Sentencing Ranges, Fines, & Credit Time Calculators: – Many of the questions we field at the office revolve around possible sentencing ranges for particular crimes, possible fines, and how much of the total sentence a defendant can be expected to serve if they are given an executed sentence. Given this information is spread out in so many places, we thought it would be helpful to combine those three topics into easy to…

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Graphic Display of Field Sobriety Tests Administered in Indiana for DUI Arrest

FST picto

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Pet Custody in Indiana Divorces

Pet Custody in Indiana Divorces Which party gets the Furry Child? “Which one of us gets the dog?” A question that many parties in a divorce ask their lawyers when going through the process of dissolving their marriage. The fact is that divorce is one of the toughest things that a person can go through, and the loss of a beloved pet can put even further strain on a person, so understanding how to keep…

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