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Do I Have to Go to Court to Get Divorced?

Going to court can be an uncomfortable and intimidating experience for many people.  Not only have most people who are going through a divorce never been in a courtroom in their life, but being in a formal setting being questioned by another attorney and having a judge make a ruling that will impact divorce spouse’s children and finances can make for an uneasy situation. Luckily, there are options available to help avoid divorcing spouses from…

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Should I take my Criminal Case to Trial?

If you have picked up a new criminal case that is a very scary and daunting event.  You are worried about your freedom, your right to bear arms, if you’re facing a felony having a record that will greatly limit you; overall it is just a very stressful and frightening situation.  One of the more difficult decisions you will have to make is how to resolve your case.  That can be by a plea agreement,…

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Am I Eligible for a Reduction in my Federal Sentence Based on the New Amendments to the Sentencing Guidelines?

There has been much discussion lately regarding the upcoming November 1, 2023, effective date of Amendment 821 to the Sentencing Guidelines. While this amendment is not yet effective because it remains with Congress for a 180-day review period ending November 1, 2023, if Congress fails to act to disapprove the amendment by that date it will become effective. It’s expected that Amendment 821 will become effective, and it will give District Court Judges authority to…

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Should I Hire a Large Personal Injury Firm?

Whether it is Morgan & Morgan, The Hammer, Keller & Keller, Hensley Legal, etc., Indiana residents are constantly and incessantly bombarded by personal injury attorneys with commercials, social media ads, and billboards. With overly dramatic commercials and/or flashy billboards, large firms are hoping to use market saturation to lure prospective clients in as quickly as possible while touting their stats, their self-perceived reputation in the industry, and the size of their firm. But, is the…

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What is a “Vehicle” for Purposes of the OVWI Statute in Indiana?

Operating a Vehicle While Intoxicated (OVWI) is one of the most frequent crimes charged in Indiana.  While it is never a good idea to get behind the wheel after drinking alcohol to the point of intoxication, many people think that motorized scooters or bicycles are a safe, legal way to get home after a day (or night) of drinking.  The question becomes, then, is it possible to get an OVWI on a scooter or bicycle? …

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What You Should Know About Auto Insurance Coverages

Automobile insurance is a critical aspect of our lives, providing financial protection in the event of accidents and personal injury.  However, a common concern among policyholders and those affected by accidents is the low insurance limits that automobile carriers offer.   Understanding Insurance Limits First, what are insurance limits?  Insurance limits refer to the maximum amount of money an insurance company will pay for a covered claim.  In the context of automobile insurance, these limits…

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Can I Get Grandparent Visitation with My Grandkids?

Parents in divorce cases or in a paternity case generally will receive an order from the court that outlines what their parenting time (commonly known as visitation) with their children will be.  But what about grandparents?  Are grandparents entitled to seek a court order to permit them to receive a visitation schedule with their grandchildren?  What Situations Enable a Grandparent to Seek Visitation? In Indiana, grandparents are permitted to seek visitation rights in three separate…

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How do the Federal sentencing guidelines work?

If you or someone you know has been charged with a federal crime in Indianapolis, you are probably concerned about the potential for a lengthy sentence.  Some federal offenses, such as Brandishing a Firearm During and in Relation to a Crime of Violence, carry statutory mandatory minimum sentence.  For the Brandishing offense, Congress has imposed a mandatory minimum sentence of seven (7) years.  The maximum sentence is life.  Other federal offenses, such as Wire Fraud,…

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