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Using Police to Enforce Parenting Time in Indiana

Posted in On May 18, 2016

Should the Police Get Involved in Enforcing Your Parenting Time? It is your scheduled parenting time and your ex refuses to give up your child – what now?  In most cases, the reaction would be to threaten a call to the local police.  While there may be some benefit down the road to documenting denied parenting time, the effect may not be as immediate as a parent in that situation may hope. Police officers across…

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Driving Without Insurance in Indiana

Posted in On May 15, 2016

Suspended for driving without insurance?  We receive calls daily from citizens who have received notices from the BMV informing them that their driving privileges are going to be suspended because they drove without insurance.  This is easy to understand if they owned the car they were driving and it wasn’t covered, but what if the driver was not the owner of the car?  What if you borrow a car from a friend?  Can you be…

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The Sex Crime Stigma for the Wrongfully Accused

Wrongfully Accused of a Sex Crime in Indiana? Obviously, a blog like this can be difficult to write and read. That’s because there are hundreds of thousands of legitimately-reported, fully and rightfully prosecuted sex crimes cases across this country on any given year. And, without question, those cases are incredibly sad to hear about and can be difficult to be a part of as defense attorneys. This blog is not meant to take away from…

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A Look at Calculating Child Support in Indiana

Posted in On April 24, 2016

How is Child Support Calculated and What Can I Expect? How is child support calculated?  The amount of child support that is paid by one parent to the other is fact sensitive and is not the same in every case.   It is not uncommon for two parents with the same number of children, living close together geographically and making similar incomes to receive substantially different amounts of weekly child support.    In Indiana, a child support…

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A Look at Interrogation and Having a Lawyer

Indianapolis Criminal Defense Attorney Blog:  A Look at Police Interrogation and Why it Makes Sense to Exercise Your Right to an Attorney It is a question we often receive in our office.  I have been contacted by a Detective and he/she wants to interview me as a possible suspect in a criminal investigation, should I talk to them?  Do I need a lawyer?  To answer that question, we will take a look at some of…

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Refusing a Breath Test in a DUI

A Quick Look at the Consequences of Refusing a Chemical Test in Indiana: A substantial number of our clients who have been charged with a DUI tell us that after they were pulled over, they refused the tests the officer asked them to do because once upon a time that’s what they heard or were told you’re supposed to do.  The theory is that if there is no test, then it will be difficult or…

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A Look at Indiana Code 260 IAC 2-1 – Breath Test Machines

Indiana Administrative Code 260 IAC 2-1 – Breath Test Operators & Instruments Everyone on earth, it seems, has heard of a “breathalyzer” test in every single run of the mill Driving Under the Influence (hereafter “DUI”) and/or Operating a Vehicle While Intoxicated (hereinafter “OVWI”) case. But, did you know there is an entire administrative code section drafted by the Indiana legislature to address how breathalyzers are to be certified, who can administer them, and how…

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HTV Now What?

Indianapolis Criminal Defense Attorney Blog: I’m HTV How Can I Drive Again? So you have gotten a few bad convictions on your record or several tickets a one really bad driving conviction and the BMV has just notified you that you are now a habitual traffic violator and you have a VERY long license suspension. Now what? Public transportation is not exactly reliable in Indiana. So what are the options? A Review of Your Driving…

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