Family Law

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In Town Lawyer vs. Out of Town Attorney

Hiring an In-Town Lawyer vs. an Out of Town Attorney To hire an in town attorney, or out of town attorney? That is the question. I think Shakespeare asked that in Hamlet….or, something like that. All joking aside, we at Banks & Brower, LLC, are constantly asked this question when people call in looking for advice on who to hire. “Should I hire an out of county attorney, or should I hire an attorney on…

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Often Overlooked Tax and Financial Issues in Your Divorce

Tax and Financial Planning Considerations Often Overlooked in Divorces in Indiana   There are numerous assets and debts involved in a divorce case that are easy to identify, such as real estate, bank and retirement accounts, credit cards, automobiles and household goods and furnishings; however, there are several other potential assets and liabilities that are often overlooked by clients and attorneys as they relate to benefits or liabilities that may result for income tax purposes. …

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A Look at Same Sex Marriage and Divorce

A Look at How Legalizing Same-Sex Marriage has Resulted in Additional Benefits and Protections  – 2015 is a historic year for same-sex couples.  The U.S. Supreme Court made its final decision on June 26, 2015, in the landmark case titled Obergefell v. Hodges.  This case involved 2 main issues: whether the U.S. Constitution requires a state to issue a marriage license to 2 people of the same sex and whether a state is required to…

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A Look at College Expenses in a Divorce

Important Tips to Know for Requesting Contribution for College Expenses in Indiana In addition to a normal child support order, one or more parties may request that the court order them to contribute to the postsecondary educational expenses for a child.  Whenever there are divorced parties or parties to a paternity action with one or more minor children, the court will always issue a child support order based upon a calculation using the parties’ gross…

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What Happens After My Divorce is Finalized?

Posted in On August 2, 2015

Indianapolis Divorce Attorney Blog: My Divorce is Finalized, What Happens Next? In most cases, once your divorce is finalized, there are still several loose ends to tie up.  Whether you and your ex-spouse reached an agreement or you had a judge decide your case, divorce decrees often times impose obligations upon one or both parties that have to be satisfied on a post-divorce basis. If a party fails to satisfy one of those obligations, the…

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A Close Look at How Custody Works in Indiana

Posted in On June 30, 2015

Indianapolis Divorce Attorney Blog: What Does Custody Mean in Indiana? Whether faced with a divorce or a paternity action, there are many parents who are unsure as to exactly what requesting custody of their children means in Indiana.  To begin, Indiana law separates child custody into 2 categories: 1) legal custody and 2) physical custody.  When a court determines how custody is going to be awarded in a specific case, the court always uses the…

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Victims of Domestic Violence & Divorce

Posted in On May 31, 2015

For victims of domestic or family violence, a divorce is typically needed in order to leave the abusive relationship.  There are criminal laws, civil protection laws, and family and domestic laws in Indiana to protect victims of domestic violence, including spouses and children.  When there is a pending protective order and divorce case between the same 2 parties, Indiana law consolidates both cases into one as domestic violence and protective orders will likely have a…

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Common Mistakes Divorced and Divorcing Parents Make

Posted in On April 26, 2015

Mistakes to Avoid for Divorced Parents The divorce process is obviously very difficult emotionally for the parties involved; however, what divorced or divorcing parents must keep in mind is that a divorce can be even more difficult for their children.  You and your ex-spouse need to put your differences aside to help promote the welfare of your children as their interests are of paramount importance.  The following are a few mistakes that many divorced parents…

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